Dave Carey

  • Groundie
  • Repairs & Maintenance
Dave Carey wears chainsaw chaps and saws a log with a STIHL chainsaw.

Dave Carey is the newest full-time recruit, and is absolutely thrilled to be here. Ever-hungry for knowledge and experience, Dave has learned chainsaw safety and maintenance, basic felling and rigging, and how to repair and restore many of our specialized tools. Dave has also taken a shine to our stump grinder, and you will often see them as a pair this season.

Sackvillians might know Dave from his leather-working days at Dave Carey Leatherworks, or from seeing his friendly face on the street over the past four years. They also might see his handiwork on Main Street in Sackville without realizing it. Ever wonder who painted the St. Paul’s Anglican Church pink? This guy was on that painting (and scraping) crew, ask him about it when you see him.

Dave hails from the Moncton area, and his family has lived in the Maritimes for generations. His grandparents were dairy farmers, and he fondly recounts his mother’s stories of driving a tractor along the highway at age 12. Thanks to his family’s know-how, a variety of skilled careers, and a general knack for tools, Dave is a jack of many trades.

Dave Carey stands with his daughter Amelia. They are wearing matching red plaid.
Dave with his daughter, Amelia.

When he isn’t on a tree crew, Dave can be found grooving with his daughter, Amelia, or working in his shop on a creative project.