- Arborist
- Resident Bread Expert

John is forever passionate, sentimental, and curious about trees (among other things). He joined the Woodpecker Tree Care crew in the midst of Hurricane Dorian (2019), which gave him the ultimate crash course in what it means to be an arborist. Since then, John has upped his tree work knowledge and skills exponentially, and is one of our newer climbers on staff.

John grew up in southern Ontario, where his grandparents instilled his love of trees by planting countless varieties on their land. He has made a beautiful home in Wood Point, where he has continued that tradition of planting species of value and interest that his two sons will watch grow over the decades. He also stewards the forest that grows on his land, and will often be found in its midst when he isn’t on the job.
Many will know John from his decades-long career as an artist, which is how he met his partner, Marcie. He received his BFA from Mount Allison University and his MFA from the University of Guelph, which he remembers fondly.

A man of many talents, John is often engrossed in a fermentation project. Our favourites include his sourdough bread, Wood Point apple cider, and a coffee stout he calls the “Fuzzy Lover.”