Looking forward to spring? The Woodpeckers who run the Maritime Elm Protection Initiative (MEPI) are too. Spring is when we load up our injectors and inoculate valuable elms against Dutch Elm Disease. As we go into our third year, we are actively looking for sponsors to help cover the costs of this project. We want to give you a chance to meet elms in need, and invite you to consider sponsoring the treatment of valuable Maritime elms.
Our first group of “orphan” elms are in the beautiful Minudie, NS. These elms stand where the River Hebert and the Macaan River meet, and have a beautiful view of the powerful tide. They were once under the wonderful care of the late Pam Harrison, who appreciated the value of these beautiful trees. MEPI works with the Minudie Heritage Association to inoculate these elms with DutchTrig, which helps prevent Dutch Elm Disease.
These trees are on historical property, once owned by Amos Seaman, the “Grindstone King” of Minudie. Seaman established several businesses in Minudie, which employed many of the locals. He also helped organize the building of two churches and a schoolhouse. The schoolhouse is still standing and serves as the Amos Seaman School Museum. These tall elms cast shadows on the deteriorated remains of the “Grindstone Castle.”
In addition to its historical significance, a multi-generational family of eagles have built a gigantic nest in the branches of one of the elms. We noticed scraps from their recent meals during our most recent visit to Minudie, which tells us that our feathered friends are still there.
It is very important that the Minudie elms are injected with DutchTrig this spring, as they missed their treatment last year due to COVID-19 restrictions. If you want to help us preserve these valuable elms, kindly consider making a donation or sponsoring an elm to help cover the costs of this project. Get in touch by phone, email, or any of our social media pages.
To meet more elms in need, check out our blog for more “Adopt an Elm” posts.