DutchTrig Queue is Open!

Please note that our 2023 DutchTrig queue is now closed.

Last summer we inoculated over 50 elm trees with DutchTrig, a preventative treatment that prevents the deadly Dutch Elm Disease. Next year, we want to expand the project to ensure more elms are preserved. Our DutchTrig queue is open to all elm owners and elm lovers out there!

We hope to double the amount of DutchTrig in 2023 in order to include more elms. If you have an elm tree you are invested in, the best time to protect it against Dutch Elm Disease is yesterday. The treatment works like a flu shot, it exposes the elm to a small amount of the deadly fungus to prepare it for its eventual exposure to the disease. This increases their chance of survival, which is otherwise grim. Once the tree is exposed to the disease, there is unfortunately not much anyone can do. This annual treatment is the only current pesticide available to combat Dutch Elm Disease, and we are the sole licenced providers of said treatment in the area.

If you are interested in learning more about this service or donating to the campaign, please contact us or visit the “Elms” page on our website. We recommend getting in our queue sooner rather than later, as we had to turn folks down last year due to high demand.

If you made a donation to the elm inoculation project in 2022, we will contact you in early 2023 to confirm if you are still interested in supporting the project for another year. Some sponsors have committed to a 5-year sponsorship plan, and those folks will receive a thorough update on their elms’ well-being.

Thank you to all who donated and supported this project in 2022!