S. Hall Tire, Muffler, & Auto Repair Centre is one of the local businesses keeping elm trees alive and well in the Maritimes. Owner and operator Scott Hall was aware of Dutch Elm Disease and how it was killing beautiful elm trees across the Atlantic Provinces, but wasn’t sure what he could do to help the trees from dying off. After learning that Woodpecker Tree Care heads the Maritime Elm Protection Initiative, he felt the need to take action.
“The Dutch Elm Disease problem has moved into our area, infecting and killing these beautiful trees. I decided to sponsor two trees as I feel it’s a worthy cause and it needs to happen. If nobody gets involved, all will be lost.”

Thanks to Scott, the two elms by the Drew Nursing Home in Sackville, NB have been vaccinated against Dutch Elm Disease for two years in a row. Scott was more than happy to sponsor those elms, since his mother and late father were both cared for at the Drew in their later years.
“If one resident looks at trees and smiles, it is worth it. As I think of that right now, it makes me smile. If any of the great staff that works there enjoys the trees on their way into work or going home… It is well worth it knowing that we are keeping these trees alive for years to come.”
Scott remembers spending time in the forest as a Scouts leader, and enjoys the beauty in the difference in tree species. Trees have always been involved in his life, ever since childhood.
“When I was 5 years old my father decided to take one training wheel off my bike. I got on the bike, went down a hill and right head on into a large tree… My relationship with trees has not always worked out, but I love them anyway!”

As an adult and a business owner, Scott feels it’s his (and the community’s) responsibility to make sure that these trees stay around for the long haul.
“If we all do a little, a lot will get done. Since this has started, I have been surprised about how many customers have been in and thanked us for being involved… I feel like we should all be part of keeping our town beautiful and if it makes people smile, that should make us smile.”
Stay tuned to hear from MEPI’s other local business sponsors: Soper Physiotherapy, Cory Allen’s Plumbing and Heating Ltd., The Alphabet Store in Oxford NS, and more.